Now with IO-Link: Discover the advantages in our new IO-Link Brochure!
- For liquids, mash and pastes with solids content < 5%
- Very high accuracy ±0,5 % ±2 mm/s and reproducibility also with low flow rate, ideal for dowing and filling applications
- Suitable for flow rates of 30 l/h to 300 000 l/h
- CIP/SIP cleaning to max. 130 °C (max. 30 minutes)
- Large selection of process adapters (optional)
- Incl. optical status indicator, optional display
- Incl. material certificate for pharmaceutical version
- 3-A conformity for version with process connection SS, TC and HH
- Compact electronics with housing in stainless steel
- Vacuum proof PFA coating for pig cleaning and maximum resistance to aggressive media
- All details about IO-Link properties, parameters, diagnostics, events and more can be found in the IODDViewer.